Home-made Raspberry Pi based Media Center

A homemade solution for a networked media storage and madia playback

Project Image
Project Owner:

John N. G. Samarasinghe

Project Outcome:

Design of a home made solution for a networked media storage and madia playback

Project End Date:


Project tags:

Raspberry Pi, Kodi, LibreELEC, Samba, Network Storage

Dive in to details

When you have a number of laptops, phones PCs, TVs and tabs in your house in which you listen to music or watch movies and TV shows, it can be frustrating to sync all your media between each of the devices. I have set-up a Raspberry-Pi based media server in my house to be able to access my music, photos and other media from any device connected to my WiFi.

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Step 1. Preparing the media server

In order to ensure that the media can be accessed from any device in my house, I did a bit of research (and trial and error with other types) and found that setting up a Samba server is my best option. I connected my Raspberry Pi 3 model B running Raspbian to my WiFi and installed the files needed to set-up a Samba server

Here is a very good source for setting up your own Samba server by PiMyLifeUp.

Once this is done I switched on VNC on my Pi so I can connect to it from my laptop and make any changes. To ensure that the Raspberry Pi always contains the same IP address I also set up a static IP for the device.

Step 2. Connecting to non-WiFi enabled devices

My TV's at home are not smart TVs. To make sure I can still access my media from the TV i connected up my TV to cheap Raspberry Pi zero W devices. As an operating system, I installed LibreELEC which comes just enough to run Kodi media center.

Here is an easy guide to install LibreELEC on your device by LibreELEC.

And now its done.

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