Word Search Solver

Building a Word Sarch Solver as my first attempt at building a web app with php

How many rows and columns?

The Grid

WARNING!: Missing Values

Unfortunately I have to stop the project from here, as the PHP server that I am using does not allow me to add additional libraries as it is new. Hope to improve this project as I learn other ways around this.

function if(str_contains($value, 'a') or str_contains($value, 'e') or str_contains($value, 'i') or str_contains($value, 'o') or str_contains($value, 'u') or str_contains($value, 'y')){ return TRUE; } else{ return FALSE; } and other libraries cannot be used to isolate words

To get around this for the timebeing I have added all possible combinations of characters in the text box below and using the browsers built-in spell-check we can identify available words

The identified possible words are:

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